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mardi 26 avril 2011

Quelle surprise !

J'ai relevé mon courrier assez tard dans la journée. Quelle surprise ! Une enveloppe - contenant un magnifique OEUF de PAQUES affranchi - ART POSTAL - mais qui visiblement ne m'avait pas été distribué et qui m'a été réexpédié par son envoyeuse. Merci Thérèse, vraiment merci, du fond du coeur. Je suis touchée par cet envoi parce que non seulement j'avais complétement craqué pour ton art-oeuf quand tu l'as mis en photo sur ton blog, mais en plus tu m'en as destiné un exemplaire personnalisé et je suis aux anges. Les couleurs, la déco, tes souhaits aussi.... tout tout tout. Merci, tu m'as gâtée. Cela dit, aujourd'hui c'est mon fils qui loge actuellement chez moi qui m'a dit que l'ANPE l'a appelé pour lui dire qu'un courrier qu'ils lui ont adressé leur a été retourné. Je me suis donc rendu à la poste. Ce ne sont plus les bureaux de poste qui s'occupent de la distribution du courrier. On m'a en conséquence remis un document administratif pour signaler les deux non-distributions consécutives. En attendant que l'administration trouve les formulaires adéquats et demande à son employé de lire les noms sur les boîtes (je sais, dans mon immeuble, y en a beaucoup), j'ai collé un mot sur ma boîte à lettres pour demander au facteur ou à la factrice actuelle d'être plus "vigilant(e)" (pour ne pas écrire "plus consciencieux (-se)". Mon nom et celui de mes enfants est sur la boîte depuis sept ans. Il n'y avait aucune raison pour que ces courriers soient retournés à leurs expéditeurs (dont toi, Thérèse).

Alors, de ce fait, j'espère que les petites vaches que je t'avais promises vont te parvenir sans détour. Au cas où ça tarde, voici un petit aperçu ci-dessous.

5 commentaires:

  1. Dear Marie,

    Sorry if I prefer to write in English; now, my French is even rustier :)
    How nice of your friend to send you this lovely post card. Simply wonderful.

    Let me try to explain about my Blog and answer your questions.

    Firstly, I'm nor Spanish but Portuguese :))))
    Secondly, my Blog is the very same one, only the Blogger is no longer Blogspot but Wordpress.

    Wordpress doesn't accept followers, and honestly I don't need them. My real friends and people who like what I post are always able to follow me.
    I have their links at my Blog and visit them from time to time.
    The only thing I dislike there is the fact that I was not yet able to find a translator that wordpress would accept.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs and Kisses

  2. My dear Ná,
    I went on your blog as soon as I recieved you comment in my mailbox and let you a comment in response to this one. What a surprise to me seeing that you'd put my puppies to honour with a beautiful poem from Miguel Torga (I made it translated by Google translator since my latest comment and added a post in my very new born blog). How nice of you!
    And yes, I did appreciate a lot the mail art my friend Therese sent to me: a big EASTER egg, very colourful and so nice; it was so kind of her.
    Don't mind for the translator. Since I can copy the text, I can put it myself in the processor and appreciate as much your texts as your photos.
    Have a wonderful day too.

  3. About the translator and wodrpress “difficulties” in installing one, I have seen at least one WordPress Blog with one, but couldn’t figure out how to manage, not yet at least.
    Hopefully it’s just a matter of time.

    My dear, followers are those who really don’t forget us; those who come and pay us a visit despite our possible absence.
    The majority stop popping up as soon as one doesn’t comment a simple post. This I find rather strange, to say the least.

    Thanks for visiting and keep in touch, I’ll do the same.

    PS. This was the only way to have my comment accepted...

  4. Dear Marie!

    I owe you an apology; you know that I could give it a try and answer in French, but my French is getting worse and it would take too long to answer.
    To make things easier for me, your English is definitely better than mine

    First of all, I’d like to tell you that I’ve been in all your Blogs and that I rejoice at the fact that your work is absolutely outstanding.
    As I needed to illustrate the poem I’ve posted, named “to a poppy”, I’ve used your coquelicots. All credits given, as always:
    The gentleman in the portrait is the famous Portuguese writer Miguel Torga.
    I took this picture (although it was forbidden) a few days ago at his house, now a Museum which I visited with a group from my village.

  5. My dearest Ná,
    Thanks for all. You're a gem.
    You're right concerning some "followers". A single visit and .. hop... they disappear into the nature. But I sometimes did it too, on some blogs, and I can understand. Nobody's perfect.
    Thanks for all your visits, thanks for your congratulations... I feel honoured.
    Of course we keep in touch. No problem. I've never forgotten you, neither you have.
    I don't understand your PS. Did you have to suscribe as a member to let a comment? I think not. Some people let comments without being followers. I have set my parameters this way. No restrictions. Everybody's allowed.
    For my puppies, it was (to my eyes) like a gift you made to me. And thanks for the piece of information (the portrait). A handsome man! and a good writer. (after translation).
    Have a good day Ná. This morning, I went on painting buddhist monks. Don't know why. I am a Christian believer. But I do love peace, serenity, humility, simplicity, ... and particular atmosphere. Zeeeeeennnnn! They inspire me. And I don't think that God could be different according to the souls or beliefs. We all are creatures from His hand, whatever the countries, the origins or religions. It's nothing but my opinion and faith. Everbody thinks of his own. I don't care. I think LOVE (unconditional love) is the most important on Earth.
    Huge hugs my dear friend.
    Lots of Love.


Merci pour votre visite et votre commentaire :)